"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible. And suddenly you will find yourself doing the impossible."

Eventi di Prestigio signs exclusive Planning events for your company, in order to achieve sharing and leadership goals while creating emotions.

Do you want to increase the productivity of Human resources, attract prospects, facilitate a negotiation? 

The Ls Experience team take care of the preparation and coordination of the entire project, from the planning to the management of technical services.

Our skills allow us to work in institutional, promotional and incentive events.

Thanks to a qualified network of partners and to the Food And Beverage service, we are able to offer catering solutions, post-congress activities and social events. 

From the research of the perfect location to the technical equipment: computers, screens, video projectors, pointers, chairs, tables, microphones, amplification system, lectern.

Food & Beverage

Our goal is to give every customer an unforgettable experience
Organize your event
Alta Cucina
The haute cuisine with Massimo Mantarro

Eventi di Prestigio confirms the real attention to details and to Sicilian beauties, entrusting its cuisine to wise hands.
Chef Massimo Mantarro, an example of evolutionary coherence  signs the Eventi di Prestigio Menus, reserving proposals that reveal the great and real love for his land.